TIME! to train, innovate, mobilise, and empower youth in Akre
The It is TIME! project focuses on training, innovation, mobilisation and empowerment of vulnerable young people in Akre. This project will unlock the potential of young people in Akre, a region which is sadly often neglected by organisations, making sure that every child has access to education and employment opportunities. Beneficiaries will undertake a 12-day skills training, teaching them about (1) Personal Empowerment, (2) Employability, (3) Active Citizenship, and (4) Building a Business. They will then participate in an intensive 4-day social innovation training. Young people will be given access to job fairs, internship opportunities, ILO job centre referrals, and seed funding for business plans and social initiatives.
Start in : 12/01/2023
End in : 12/10/2023
Location : Akre
Kingdom of the Netherlands and UNICEF Partners: COOPI and DoY

IRISE: Initiative for the Socio-Economic Re-Integration of Vulnerable Returnees in Shirqat, Salah al-Din
The project aimed to promote the resilience of returnees in their areas of origin. Through active collaboration with the host community, the project aims to create a series of vocational training and income-generating pathways so beneficiaries can enjoy sustainable livelihoods. Activities include vocational training for 120 beneficiaries in the villages of Eitha and Lazzagah, legal advice for 100 beneficiaries to obtain the necessary documentation to start a business, job placement support for 120 beneficiaries, incentives and support for the start-up of small local businesses, and social cohesion activities for 500 members of the host community and the returning population.
Start in : 04/01/2021
End in : 02/28/2022
Location : Eitha and Lazzagah villages, Salah Al-Din Governorate
The project was funded by Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented a partnership with COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Green Schools for Green Ecology (GSGE) in Salah Al-Din Governorate- Iraq
The project aims to empower students by educating them about the impacts of climate change and encouraging them to take proactive measures to mitigate its effects. Through initiatives like school greening, gardening skills development, and environmental education, the project fosters mindful natural resources management. Collaboration with local experts from Ministries of Education, Agriculture, and Environment ensures a coordinated and effective approach.
Start in : 11/01/2022
End in : 05/31/2023
Location : Baiji and Shirqat, Salah Al-Din Governorate
The project was funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in partnership with Management Systems International (MSI)

CASH-RSP: Strengthening vulnerable returnees and IDPs’ capacities to access basic services in a safe and dignified way through multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA)
Overall the project target 350 Households 1. Emergency socio-economic consequences mitigated for extremely vulnerable IDPs and returnees through two transfers of MPCA at once 168 Households*300$* two transfers 2. Catastrophically vulnerable households are supported to meet their basic needs and allow referrals to longer-term solutions through four rounds of MPCA 182 Households*300$* four transfers
Start in : 08/14/2022
End in : 04/14/2023
Location : Tuz Khurmatu and Ramadi, Salah Al-Din and Al-Anbar Governorates
The project was funded by (UNOCHA)/Iraqi Humanitarian Fund (IHF) and implemented in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF)

Voice of people: Our environment First
The environmental project aimed to raise community awareness and engage local authorities in advocating for environmental protection. It targeted 6500 individuals, including 3490 males and 3010 females. Activities included conducting an environmental change assessment in six districts, creating and sharing two awareness videos on social media, organizing round table discussions, and conducting 12 environmental rights awareness campaigns.
Start in : 07/01/2022
End in : 11/30/2022
Location : Balad, Sammra, Tikrit, Baiji, Tuz Khurmatu, Shirqat, Salah Al-Din governorate.
The project was funded by UNDP and implemented in partnership with Un Ponte Per (UPP)

Organization and delivery of hands-on vocational training with comprehensive activities in Telafer and Baiji Districts
The project involves several key activities: conducting a rapid labor market assessment, developing training materials in collaboration with DoLSA (Department of Labor and Social Affairs), selecting and identifying trainees in partnership with DoLSA and UN-HABITAT, preparing training venues and materials with DoLSA, delivering training through certified DoLSA trainers, establishing apprenticeship programs in collaboration with the private sector, and finally, coordinating graduation and certification in close collaboration with DoLSA and UN-HABITAT.
Start in : 06/01/2022
End in : 12/31/2022
Location : Baiji, Telafer, Ninewa, and Salah Al-Din governorate.
The project was funded by European Union /UNDP and implemented in partnership with UN-HABITAT.

Improving the socioeconomic status of marginalized women and youth
The project includes conducting a market assessment, raising awareness about vocational training, organizing vocational skills training, and offering workshops for CV and Cover Letter Writing.
Start in : 07/01/2021
End in : 12/31/2021
Location : Telafer, Ninewa governorate.
The project was funded by the EU/French Ministry of foreign affairs and implemented in partnership with Expertise France (EF).

Improving the socioeconomic status of marginalized women and youth by enhancing entrepreneurship skills, teaching, and encouraging them to be self-reliant
The project involves various activities, including awareness-raising, vocational and life skills training, distribution of business start-up kits, referrals to specialized service providers, social cohesion and advocacy actions such as community dialogues, and linking governmental departments with the community through advocacy for community rights.
Start in : 11/01/2021
End in : 03/31/2022
Location : Telafer, Ninewa governorate.
The project was funded by UNDP

Assisting vulnerable returnees’ families and host community through protection support
The project provides legal assistance, counseling, and documentation support to returnees and the host community. HLP assessments are conducted to identify needs gaps and reports are shared with relevant organizations. Awareness-raising activities educate beneficiaries on legal issues, particularly HLP laws. The project also identifies individuals in need of specialized services and refers them to service providers in the region for MHPSS, GBV, CP, and PWSN support.
Start in : 07/15/2021
End in : 12/15/2022
Location : Baaj, Ninewa governorate.
The project was funded by IOM

Rebuilding livelihoods for the most vulnerable returnees and IDPs living in informal and urban settlements in Salah al-Din
The project tackles economic challenges by providing immediate income opportunities through Cash-for-Work projects for marginalized women and youth, preventing negative coping mechanisms. It benefits 188 households with $400 each. small and micro-businesses, benefiting 20 with $1200 each.
Start in : 09/01/2021
End in : 02/28/2022
Location : Tuz Khurmatu, Salah al-Din governorate.
The project was funded by (UNOCHA)/Iraqi Humanitarian Fund (IHF) and implemented in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF)

Bolstering Reconstruction in Iraq Through Development Growth and Employment (BRIDGE)
The project aims to improve the Vocational Training (VT) system in Iraq by strengthening the institutional capacity of vocational training centers. Key stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) in Kirkuk, will be involved in delivering more gender-responsive and market-relevant training. The project aims to enhance the capacity of targeted vocational training centers to collaborate with public and private sector actors and employers, ultimately improving the quality of training programs. The focus is empowering over 400 women to enter the labor market after receiving vocational skills.
Start in : 03/01/2021
End in : 08/31/2021